Sunday, February 28, 2010

Economy faces manifold challenges, says Tarin

ISLAMABAD: Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin has said that lack of good governance, war on terror and decline in investments are the main challenges faced by national economy and strong political commitment is needed to steer the country out of the current economic crisis.

Talking to reporters after a seminar on Demographic transition: investing in the next generation here on Thursday, Mr Tarin said that revenue could be doubled if tax collections were increased, austerity measures introduced and state-owned enterprises were restructured. He said the cost of executing PSDP projects was double that of the projects this means to establish any infrastructure of Re1 the cost of doing it is Rs2. He said the government could not achieve economic stability without collective decision about self-reliance, instead of dependence on the begging bowl. Mr Tarin said some elements carrying a lot of clout preferred to initiate soft projects and persuade policy-makers to accept import-based solutions rather than adopt long-tem solutions for improving local production and generation. Answering questions about his resignation, Mr Tarin said that a conflict of interest had developed and he decided to quit as finance minister to raise funds for the Silk Bank. He holds around 21 per cent stakes in the bank and after the withdrawal of Muscat Bank the shareholders faced liquidity problems. I could have raised capital using the influence of finance minister s office, but that is not good governance, he said. I have always said that Pakistan needs good governance and it is my duty to follow it. Speaking at the seminar, Prof Gavin W. Jones of Singapore National University said that Pakistan needed to improve the standard of education and impart technical training to workforce to improve productivity. Prof Jones highlighted the need for increasing contributions of women in workforce as had been done by Far Eastern countries.

Stakeholders to find solution to circular debt tomorrow

iSLAMABAD: Despite a national holiday the ministry of finance will hold a meeting of power sector stakeholders in Karachi on Saturday (Feb 27) to finalise measures for the reduction of circular debt and seek long-term solution to this problem, a ministry official told Dawn on Thursday.

The meeting has been convened by outgoing Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin who wants to settle the lingering issue of circular debt before leaving his portfolio, the official added.The main agenda of the meeting is to find a long-term solution to settle the circular debt which has created serious financial problems for the power and petroleum sectors.The official said that the meeting would finalise reduction package of circular debt by around Rs40 billion as the finance minister had taken serious note of resurgence in the circular debt despite various government efforts to settle it.The industry sources said that the circular debt had surged to Rs135 billion, while the official of finance ministry said that the exorbitant figure was due to duplication of figures and the actual debt stood at Rs108 billion

The real circular debt was Rs80 billion and the Rs28 billion was the credit payments to PSO by the electricity generation companies, the officials said.The Saturday meeting is expected to settle Rs6 billion disputed billings between the Sindh government and the KESC, tariff issues worth Rs5 billion between KESC and PEPCO is also expected to be settled.The official said that the issue of delayed recoveries worth Rs8 billion by PEPCO from its private consumers would be discussed.The meeting is expected to discuss modes for financing of Rs20 billion. This includes issuance of Rs5 billion term finance certificates by the banks for PEPCO, the official said.Meanwhile, talking to media here on Thursday Mr Tarin said that PEPCO role should be reduced as a holding company and the operational matters should be controlled by the eight electricity distribution companies.He said that due to centralised structure, PEPCO cannot improve recovery and its receivables from private sector have increased by Rs15 billion in few months.The other measures to reduce the circular debt would be clearance of old dues between the government departments and PEPCO apart from introduction of cash component to improve financial standing of power sector.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

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Six of the indicators are available as a standard component of GFT’s DealBook® 360 trading platform. Traders who subscribe to DiNapoli D-Levels™ obtain access to four additional indicators in the collection: the DiNapoli Oscillator, DiNapoli MACD, DiNapoli Retracement Tool, and DiNapoli Expansion Tool.

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Understanding the Greece Situation

With this post, I want to try to clarify the Greek fiscal crisis. The problem is that it’s not clear exactly how serious the problem is, because most of the media coverage of the crisis has been directed towards the financial markets’ perception of it, rather than its underlying fundamentals. In the end, I think it’s important to understand both.

The Financial Times published a great timeline that shows perception and reality side-by-side. While there were certainly other important developments that bear in Greece’s fiscal position (in addition to those listed below), you can see that financial markets are basically making their own reality. For example, there was hardly a response to the October announcement that Greece’s budget deficit would be 12.7%, which was 5% higher than earlier estimates. In fact, the markets only became bearish on Greek debt after it the government announced that it would try to bring the debt down to 9.4% through various measures.

Greece debt timeline
Apologists for the markets would be right to wonder why investors should be inclined to believe the government of Greece when it said it could control the budget deficit. Fair enough. Still, one has to wonder why the markets suddenly started worrying about Greece’s fiscal problems, when only a couple months ago, the possibility of a whopping 12.7% budget deficit barely caused investors to blink. Besides, the credit crisis has been raging since 2008, which means the markets have had plenty of time to digest the implications of recession for Greece’s fiscal position.

These days, where is a financial crisis, chances are derivatives are not far removed. As credit default swap spreads (i.e. the cost of insuring against default by Greece on its loan obligations) have risen, so have concerns that this is a bona fide crisis. “It’s like the tail wagging the dog…There is a knock-on effect, as underlying positions begin to seem riskier, triggering risk models and forcing portfolio managers to sell Greek bonds,” said one portfolio manager. From this perspective, it almost looks like this “crisis” is being completely manufactured by speculators for the sake of profit. Summarized another analyst, “It’s like buying fire insurance on your neighbor’s house — you create an incentive to burn down the house.”

Greece credit default swap spreads
To be fair, Greece also played a role in derivatives speculation, and on some level, it was even more nefarious than the speculators. Assisted by Goldman Sachs (who is now betting on Greek default [how un-ironic that is!]), Greece entered into a series of swap agreements last decade, which it used to conceal its true debt burden. “By using an historical exchange rate that didn’t accurately denote the market value of the euro, Goldman effectively advanced Greece a €2.8 billion loan. Under EU accounting rules—which were tightened in 2008—Greece wasn’t obliged to include the loan in overall public debt on its books.” Now that those transactions have been uncovered and the truth is coming to light, financial markets are rightly re-evaluating the risk of further lending to Greece.

There is no question that Greece’s debt problems are serious. As to whether labeling it a crisis is necessary, that depends on your standards. Greece ranks near the top of the list on a variety of individual “debt sustainability” criteria. At 94.6% of GDP, it’s net debt is among the highest in the world. Its projected 2010 budget deficit is also high, though not the highest. Its cost of borrowing is also significantly higher than projected GDP growth, which means that net debt will continue to grow until a budget surplus can be produced. When you average these measures together, it appears that Greece’s debt problems are the most unsustainable of any country in the world. But this is hardly news.

Debt Sustainability
On the other hand, the weighted average of the maturity of Greek debt is 7.7 years, well above average, and plenty of time (relatively) for Greek to sort through this mess and secure new lenders. Towards the latter end, it has hired a former bond trader to head its debt management agency. In order to improve its fiscal position, it has announced a series of austerity measures, including budget cuts, tax increases, wage cuts for public-sector employees, and stricter laws against tax evasion.

At this point, a ratings downgrade looks inevitable, and some analysts think the crisis has already become self-fulfilling. As borrowing costs rise, it only makes it more likely that Greek will default, which causes rates to rise further, and so on. On the other hand, Greek politicians are being forthright about their position (”Greece’s finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, remarked this week: ‘People think we are in a terrible mess. And we are.’ “) and have a plan for rectifying the situation. There is cause for skepticism here, but also for hope. And that goes not just for Greece, but also for the Euro.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Forex Analysis – February 26, 2010

GBPUSD Analysis.
GBPUSD breaks below 1.5350 support and the fall from 1.5815 extends to as low as 1.5190 level. Deeper decline is still possible after a minor consolidation and next target would be at 1.5000 area. Resistance is now located at the falling trend line from 1.5815 to 1.5575, as long as the trend line resistance holds, downtrend from 1.5815 could be expected to continue.


USDCAD Analysis.
USDCAD’s rise from 1.0369 extends further to as high as 1.0679 level. However, another fall towards 1.0300 is still expected in next several days. Key support is now located at 1.0510, below this level will confirm that a short term cycle top has been formed at 1.0679 and the rise from 1.0369 has completed.


EURUSD Analysis.
EURUSD continues its sideways movement in a range between 1.3443 and 1.3691. The price action in the trading range is more likely consolidation of downtrend from 1.4579 and one more fall to 1.3300 is still possible after consolidation. Resistance is at 1.3691, only rise above this level could take price to re-test 1.3838 key resistance.


USDCHF Analysis.
USDCHF failed to break above 1.0898 and pulled back from 1.0878, taking price back to range trading between 1.0715 and 1.0898. The price action in the trading range is more likely consolidation of uptrend from 1.0132, one more rise to 1.1000 is still possible after consolidation. Support is at 1.0715, only fall below this level could bring price to re-test 1.0608 key support.


USDJPY Analysis.
USDJPY’s fall from 92.14 extends further to as low as 88.00 level. Deeper decline is expected to test 88.57 previous low support later today, a break below this level will target 87.00 or even 84.82 (Nov 27, 2009 low).


AUDUSD Analysis.
AUDUSD formed a short term cycle top at 0.9070 level on 4-hour chart. Range trading between 0.8750 and 0.9070 is expected in next several days. As long as 0.8750 support holds, another rally to 0.9300 is possible after consolidation.


Dollar Down Despite GDP Increase

The U.S. dollar posted its sharpest decline versus the euro today despite a gross domestic product report published today showed growth in the North American economy for last year’s final quarter. Existing home sales slid much beyond forecasts, allowing the euro to pare a good amount of this week’s losses. EUR/USD currently trades at 1.3674.

Preliminary GDP report for last year’s fourth quarter showed a growth of 5.9%, from the previous advance report that showed showed an increase of 5.7%. Forecasts expected a decline to 5.6%, being the GDP numbers an optimistic sign of recovery in the U.S. economy.

Existing home sales declined to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.05 million units in January from a previous revised reading of 5.44 million units in December. The actual figures came considerably below forecasts that expected 5.51 million units sold.

Michigan Consumer Sentiment index declined to 73.6 in February from a previous reading of 73.7 in January. Forecasts expected this important confidence index to be at 74.0.

Chicago PMI rose to 62.6 in February from a previous reading of 61.5 in January. Forecasts missed out once again expecting a decline to 59.6 for this business barometer index.

Finance Division asked to arrange Rs 30 billion to support PSO and Parco

This accounts for PSO s failure to clear the dues of oil refineries, sources said, adding that PSO and Parco will close down in a few days if the Finance Ministry does not immediately arrange Rs 30 billion. Pakistan State Oil has already warned Pakistan International Airline (PIA) that it would be forced to suspend fuel supply from March 1 if it does not receive Rs 2.705 billion - Rs 1.8 billion against fuel purchase and Rs 878 million financial charges. Pakistan State Oil is currently providing fuel to power sector which may also face a reduction in fuel supplies from March 1 if the sector fails to clear PSO s dues, sources said, adding that it was decided in a meeting held in PSO House Karachi that Pepco, Hubco and Kapco will immediately provide Rs 15 billion to PSO for clearing dues of Parco. But PSO has received nothing from power sector companies so far, sources maintained.As on February 24, PSO receivables against Wapda stood at Rs 38.7 billion, Hubco s at Rs 35.5 billion, Kapco s at Rs 18.7 billion, OGDCL s at Rs 546 million, Power Holding Co s at Rs 1.3 billion, price differential claims on HSD amounted to Rs 1.38 billion, price differential claims on imported PMG were valued at Rs 2.2 billion and price differential under gas load management plan (KESC) was estimated at Rs 2.11 billion.

Pakistan State Oil is to pay Parco s dues amounting to Rs 25.29 billion, PRL s Rs 13.967 billion, NRL s Rs 8.7 billion, ARL s Rs 15.013 billion and Rs 4.977 billion to Bosicor. Pakistan State Oil is to clear Rs 11.85 billion dues of international fuel supplier Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) by March 16. Pakistan State Oil also requires Rs 16.69 billion to make payment on L/Cs for import of petroleum products, sources added.

Courtesy : Business Recorder